AnnaBanan’s Blog

Step Into My Mind…

Favorite Twilight Trailer November 26, 2009

This is so hilarious; it made me laugh so hard. While I was actually in the theatres watching New Moon, one of the Vulturi said the word “Vampire” and all I could think of was this video for some reason, and I started to laugh. It was soo funny. I hope you all enjoy this…

This guy in the Trailer is named Guillermo from Jimmy Kimmel Live, and here is a scene from his show that I thought was hilarious as well, hope you enjoy. And if you do not want to watch the whole video, just scroll to the time 2:20 and watch from then on (that is the funny part)…

…It’s even funnier if they showed the rest that follows, because Guillermo starts chasing Kristen and Jimmy inercepts and tackles him to the ground! lol


My New Obsession November 5, 2009

I honestly hate to admit it, but oh Good God, I have a new obsession. Lord help me, this may be unhealthy. LOL
I was never interested before, well not to the point of actually going to watch it in the theatres, I even waited until it came out on DVD to actually rent and watch it.
You know what I’m talking about, TWILIGHT!

